Little Big Snake Wiki

Scores are how you move up the ranks in Little Big Snake. This page is a list of how they are calculated and the maximum/highest score possible. 

Scoring []

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Credited to player HOUDINI.

Your base score is the amount of mass you have gathered, multiplied by your Dominator bonus obtained through the Evolution page. A full, completed Dominator achievement will multiply your score x2. 

Medals are given based on your leaderboard rank at the time of death, with 10 medals for first place and 1 for 10th place. Even if you were once rank 1, but you died at rank 3, you will only receive seven medals rather than the maximum 10. Each medal is worth +5%, meaning a total of +50% is possible. 

Crowns, like medals, are given based on your rank on the server leaderboard. However, unlike medals, they can also be dropped when a snake dies. Crowns are each worth +3% each. You can get a maximum of 100 crowns, meaning a total of +300% is possible. 

Killing other snakes is what Little Big Snake is all about. Each kill is worth a certain amount. Red kills are the amount of snakes you have killed that have over 10 tons of mass. They are each worth +8%, up to a limit of 100. Regular kills is the amount of snakes you have killed that are under 10 tons. These are each worth +2%, up to a limit of 200. 

Maximum Score[]

The highest score possible in a game of Little Big Snake is 175,200,000(With a maximum level dominator)

This is achieved by reaching 4000 tons of mass, receiving 10 medals, collecting 100 crowns, making 100 red and 200 blue kills, killing 9999 slugs, killing 100 jujas, popping 300 bubbles and either returning to the lair or completing the Juja minigame.

Until late 2018, a score 219,000,000 was possible, as the maximum mass was 5000 tons.

Max lbs


Combining scoring metrics and maximum score into a single image to easy reference.
